Tuesday, December 22, 2009

NV daily and something different

This morning was a little different as we met with a reporter from NV daily. A local newspaper looking to do an article on the two organizations I contribute to.. "the littlest heros project" an an organization of volunteers and (volunteer) photographers who give back to these brave and inspiring families by giving the gift of professional capture. We travel to homes, hospitals, chemo clinics to make sure these little heros (children and teens who have a life altering disability or illness) get the royal treatment...and we can capture and celebrate them (and there family and siblings) in there own elements.
On a tougher to swallow note.. NILMDTS (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep) is also a charity photography service. Geared towards children who have passed or will pass in the near future. May times the photographer is contacted prior to delivery if they know their baby wont live but might have short time on earth...so they want every single moment captured. Many of the babies are stillborn and the photographer is called to get the best possible photographs of the child with or without the family so that they have some visual memory to hold onto. The photos are then taken and edited and processed to achieve the look of slumber..not of death. They are beautiful..and so so valuable to the families.
Anyway, although I have not had an NILMDTS client yet... I participate with both organizations and look forward to educating the public on these available services.
As far as the something different.. I got this night shot of Katy looking at water droplets under the street lamp. Nothing extraordinary..but out of my element a tad.


  1. Pete has done liilest heroes too, i think both of these organizations are so awesome! you are an amazing person!

  2. Great Job Becky!! I love that picture, there's some element of mystery going on. I don't think I could do the NILMDTS foundation, just way to sad for me. Happy Holidays!!!! Make sure you post the article when it's published.
